Marriage and Momhood
How many of you married women feel overwhelmed out there today? If you're like me, there are many times during the day that you might...
Is The Clock Your Dictator or God?'s been a crazy, busy year! I thought 2010 was busy, but I've been constantly surprised at the hectic schedule that's come upon...
Offically Mastered and Complete
Bert picked up the master copy yesterday, so we can officially say it's time to start singing! The CD will be available soon on...
CD Recording Is Done
Last night, I finished recording our final two songs, "Fill You Up" and "Can't Nobody Love Me." It's been a 9 month process...and I'm...
2011 Promises To Be A Great Year
2010 was one of the busiest years I remember, with the CD project, children, work, and everything else that demanded my time. I'm ready...
Gearing Up For 2011
Wow...I finally beat procrastination and got my website started. I can't wait to see what God's going to do with my upcoming cd....